Environmentally conscious
● Harnessing the power of the sun, we've installed solar panels to generate electricity organically, powering all our operations sustainably.
● Embracing the beauty of our local environment, we prioritize the use of local and recycled materials from the surrounding area for our construction projects.
● During the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we extended our commitment to the community by supplying local shops in Linga Linga with hand-washing stations and masks, promoting public health and safety.
● Nurturing our garden ecosystem, we employ mulching techniques to shield the soil from erosion, control weeds, and reduce the need for excessive watering.
● Transforming waste into resources, we incorporate discarded items such as glass bottles and cans into our foundation work instead of traditional stone, contributing to a circular economy.
● Cultivating a sustainable future, we grow our own fruit trees, not only for our consumption but also to share the trees with the broader community, fostering a sense of collective environmental responsibility. your story online can make all the difference.